Lesson: 31 - File Transfer, Pendrive

Purpose: To Transfer files to and for mobile or Pen drive to system.

No. of. Classes

One class - One hour.

Materials Required

Desktop Computer or Laptop, Android mobile and Pen drive.

Curriculum Content

9.6)Mobile, Pen drive.

Prior knowledge

Students should know about files, folder, editing operations.



1. Transfer a file between mobile and laptop.


2. Transfer a file between Pen drive and computer.


  • Link to view the Solution Video for Excercise-1 (Solution).
  • Link to view the Solution Video for Excercise-2 (Solution).

  • Teacher's Instruction
    1. Allow the Students to watch the video with the solution.
    2. Initially teachers should help the students to complete the task, if it is required.
    3. Make the Students to transfer files to and for Mobile or Pen drive to system.
    4. While teaching use the words "Transfer” and “files”, etc. They need to be familiar with those words.
    5. When a pendrive or phone is connected, there is a new drive in the system. All the tools we used to see the storage in lesson 18 will work here as well. We can see the space available in a phone or pendrive.